Precautions for Using Aluminum Laser Cutting Machine

Aug 21 , 2024

In modern manufacturing, aluminum is widely used in aerospace, automotive manufacturing, electronic communications, and many other fields due to its characteristics of being lightweight, high-strength, and corrosion-resistant. However, because of its high reflectivity (80%-90%), the laser cutting process of aluminum is more complex than that of other metal materials, placing higher demands on the performance and usage skills of aluminum laser cutting machines. In this article, we laser machine supplier will delve into the precautions for using aluminum laser cutting machines to ensure efficient and precise processing results.

Pretreatment: Ensure a Clean Material Surface

Impurities such as oil stains and dust on the surface of aluminum can significantly reduce the penetration power of the laser beam, affecting the cutting quality and even damaging the focusing lens and nozzle of the laser cutting machine. Therefore, before using an aluminum laser cutting machine, it is imperative to strictly check the material surface to ensure it is free of oil stains and dust. If necessary, perform a cleaning process to ensure that the laser beam can accurately and efficiently act on the material's surface.

Power Matching: Select Appropriate Laser Power

Laser power is one of the key factors affecting the cutting effect of aluminum. Due to the low boiling point, low laser absorption rate, high thermal conductivity, and high expansion coefficient of aluminum, the selection of laser power is particularly sensitive. Excessive power may cause the material to over-melt or even vaporize, resulting in poor cutting edges; insufficient power may not effectively penetrate the material. Therefore, when using these laser cutter types, the laser power must be precisely adjusted according to the thickness, shape, and quality requirements of the material to achieve the best cutting effect.

Parameter Optimization: Set Reasonable Cutting Parameters and Speed

The setting of laser cutting parameters is directly related to cutting quality and efficiency. For aluminum, the reasonable adjustment of parameters such as feed speed, cutting head height, and laser pulse frequency is crucial. Too fast or too slow feed speed may lead to uneven cutting surfaces and increased burrs; precise control of the cutting head height affects the focusing effect and energy distribution of the laser beam; a reasonable setting of the laser pulse frequency can effectively enhance cutting speed and precision. Through repeated experiments and optimizations, finding the most suitable parameter combination for the current aluminum cutting task is key to achieving high-quality cutting.

Selection and Application of Assist Gases

The use of assist gases in the aluminum laser cutting process is also not to be neglected. Suitable assist gases can effectively blow away residual debris produced during cutting, improve the smoothness of the cutting surface, and to a certain extent, protect the critical components of the CNC laser cutting machine, such as lenses and nozzles. For aluminum cutting, it is recommended to use inert gases (such as nitrogen) as assist gases because they do not chemically react with aluminum. This can more effectively protect the cutting area while reducing oxidation, further enhancing the cutting quality.

In conclusion, using an aluminum laser cutting machine requires attention to multiple aspects, from material pretreatment, power matching, parameter optimization to the selection and application of assist gases. Every step needs meticulous operation to ensure an efficient, safe, and precise cutting process. Only by doing so can the advantages of aluminum laser cutting machines be fully utilized, contributing to the development of the manufacturing industry.